Monday, April 14, 2008

Mission Accomplished (and not in the George Bush definition of the word, which is, apparently, the complete opposite of mission accomplished)

I'm changing Poopy Pirate's blognym. Why? I believe he is finally potty trained. (I started the week after Labor Day.) We are mostly accident free these days, and he is dry in the morning two or three days each week. He doesn't give me the potty-dance cues the way my six year old still does, but he is handling it very responsibly. In fact, I think Pirate is using the potty better, with fewer reminders and less trauma than Scallywag. Poor Scallywag and his high-stress personality. I think think Freud would have the "anal-retentive" label in the file before he'd been on the couch 4 minutes.

Anyway, #2's new blognym will be "Patchy Pirate." We still love pirates around here and, well, he has the sweetest smattering of freckles across the most adorable nose ever given to a child. I'm sure that he won't like them quite as well when they get thick, but he's my darling pale-face and the joy of my life, so his looks have made me even begin to like my OWN freckles.


Courtney said...

Yay for patchy pirate.

Sunnie said...

potty trained kids are wonderful things. until they pee on the floor again. i hate potty training kids. i'm officially no good at it.

emandtrev said...

Hooray for you AND Patchy Pirate!

Christie said...

Whoa! A site re-do. What prompted that? I like it, but miss the green/nature/serenity aura that your other layout had. This new one is more sunshine and blue sky. That's good too.

I have a question for Plantboy. Can one grow soybeans that you can eat steamed (edame) in the climate of Belly Acre Farm? They're so delicious!

Christy said...

Yay for potty training. scratch that - yay for being done for potty training.