Thursday, July 09, 2009

Star Wars Mispronunciations

No doubt, if you have ever seen young children play Star Wars you have listened while they fight Dark Fader using their Light Savers, or even Life Savers. If you have seen children REALLY into this, then you have probably also heard "Vice-droid" for Viceroy or "The Fanta Menace" for Phantom Menace (From the lesser-known Episode VII: The Soda Wars) or "Dead Star" for Death Star. You have know doubt heard the word "Force" used as a verb: as in, I'm going to Force you with my hand/mind, or I'm going to Force that book off the shelf to hit you in the heard. The very direct, "I'm Forcing you!!!!!" is maybe my favorite.

Watching the "Clone Wars" regularly has also given them a whole new array of mis-pronunciations and nicknames. R-2 is "Aretooie," for example. I've also learned the subtle differences in Assassin droids, battle droids and fighter droids. I've learned that the barely perceptible striping patterns and the colors on the clones determine if they are commanders or regular clones, and that you can even tell the names of the clones depending on these same obscure markings. And yes, my friends, the clones have names.

I have not, however, figured out the pattern for deciding who is "bad" and who is "good." Not as easy as you think, my friends. Clones are always good, Storm Troopers are always bad, yet if you have seen the movies (as we have, 44 times, all but Episode III), you know that Clones and Storm Troopers are THE SAME. And Anakin, of course, becomes The Darth. Apparently after being treated for emphysema.

But yesterday, I heard a new favorite, while the Lego droid fighters were cruising around my house, the droids were yelling, "WATCH OUT FOR THE REPUBLICAN WARSHIPS!" For all you non-geeks out there, it should be "Republic."

If you know a child that loves all things Star Wars, you must check out this link. And this link. Be prepared for laughter, lots of it. And it might not all be coming from your super-fan child. It makes more and more sense to me every day why I was gifted with boys.


Courtney said...

Very clever little movies.

I remember playing Star Wars as a kid with my cousins and I totally thought they were life savers.

Have you seen the Star Wars Ewok Gospel (featuring Billy Dee Williams) at YouTube? Go. Search. Watch.

Peaceful Reader said...

My Star Wars fan boy is now 14 and not so much into it as he once was...but he still keeps his light saber in his never knows when you might be attacked by those dreaded "republican warships"!!! Thanks for taking me back.

Karin said...

heehee. My favorite was when Frodo explained how each light saber handle looked and to whom it belonged. Apparently, they all have minor differences and he knew them all and was drawing them constantly. Who knew Star Wars would bring such fun to our family... :-)

Christie said...

My husband went on a Star Wars kick and we borrowed all six DVDs from my brother (the oler ones were uncut.) Anyway, it's always fun re-living funny Star Wars moments. Love the "Republican Warships" line.

emandtrev said...

Hilarious! This totally had me laughing...

chris w said...

I love kid's versions of songs and movie names. They are the best. They are even funnier because they are so innocent.

PS: Beware of the Republican Warships. ;)