Saturday, September 03, 2011

What a Week!

Grad school started. Last minute things to get ready for school. Back to School Night. Squeezing more fun things out of summer. Getting our Cub Scout Program up and running. A broken dryer. Picking up more working hours. A new calling (without releases from my other two--though the first order of business in the new calling was finding my replacements) in the Primary Presidency with an unwritten program coming up in six weeks and all the stuff that comes from keeping Primary chugging along.

I think next week will be better. I'm getting on top of a few things. The schedule is tight, but I think it will be doable. It has to be. I'm not sure what to let go of at this point. Okay, I suppose I do know: reading for leisure, writing, scrapbooks, cooking for pleasure . . . .so many of the things that make me feel human. I guess that is what all those breaks built into the college schedule are for. Though I am blogging and did make cookies with the kids tonight, and Plantboy and I did get a date yesterday. (Mexican food and Captain America--highly recommended.) Maybe it won't be as impossible as it seems.

Aggies and Ducks both lost today. Not a grand start to the coming week, but I'm sure that Fast Sunday will help restore the balance. Balance. Balance. Balance. I think this will be the new mantra.

1 comment:

Kimberly Bluestocking said...

Who's a rock? :)

You can do this, and do it well.