Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Picture Yourself

This is me at graduation just over three months ago, so full of hope and accomplishment and ideals. I have to keep reminding myself of this picture after two days of meetings filled with admin speak about data and proficiency. Hours of headaches related to technology. The frustration over being assigned a class late last week for which I am unqualified to teach. Accepting the challenge of extra responsibilities that include being the major contributor for our work-in-progress on-line textbook. Sharing an old classroom that has become a repository for whatever garbage people choose to leave behind. The stark realities of classes larger than forty students. Expecting vulgar language from the kids and finding it in the teachers. The stress of a hundred new people with 150 more coming next week. Working more hours than I can ever hope to be compensated for...

I am this girl...I am this girl...I am this girl....


Janssen said...

Teaching is so hard. Anyone who wants to do it (and is good at it!) is a rockstar.

heidikins said...

Hang in there!
