Sunday, February 07, 2010

28 Days of L-O-V-E

Day 7

I love church. Now, don't get me wrong, we have as much trouble getting there as anybody else, and those years when you have a babe in arms and walk the hallways are no picnic. Then you have a day like today--from the opening prayer to the closing, it was just wonderful. I felt uplifted as I heard my brothers and sisters share their testimonies of Jesus Christ, with a healthy smattering of people sharing their stories of being converted to the Church*. TamathyC always presents a Sunday School lesson that is carefully thought out, and despite our studying the Old Testament this year, her presentation always seems totally relevant to our modern lives. This week, I taught our Young Women, but even that contributed to my overall good experience at church this week.

I feel re-energized to face my week, and am grateful for Heavenly Father's gift in giving us a day of rest each week.

*In most parts of the country, if you hear "the Church" they are talking about Catholicism. In Utah and in LDS circles, the same phrase means The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Mormons, Saints, LDS, Latter-day Saints.) When I use church with a small "c" I am referencing attending worship services each week. When I use a capital "C" I am referencing the entire, formal organization as restored by God through Joseph Smith. When I say people shared conversion stories, it is the journey that brought them to the Latter-day Saints, not just to church that particular week.

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